

We want to create a multi-network game that supports multiple blockchains. We designed a technical architecture that combines Web3.0 and Web2.0 to implement the binding of games and assets, making it possible for players from different blockchains to fight together in one game while ensuring the speed and economy of the game.


Mainstream game engines (such as Unity or Unreal) tend to stress servers with huge workloads. On top of that, dedicated game servers often face stability and security issues such as DDoS attacks that could easily bring down servers; huge costs need to be incurred constantly to keep servers healthy in that case. With Roblox, we could keep maintenance costs to a minimum with less server requirements.

Market Potential

Roblox platform has already established hundreds of millions of user base (many times more than Sandbox) and continues to gain more traction. This means that the outreach potential to attract new players to our Metatun Game is so much higher such that other forms of marketing elsewhere just pale in comparison to a simple and effective banner advertisement on Roblox!

Why Roblox and not The sandbox like other projects?

Firstly, The Sandbox only supports the ETH blockchain. So, it is hard for us to bridge the Other blockchain onto Sandbox ecosystem without developer support from Sandbox. Secondly, after some technical research and tests, we found that Roblox could easily allow developers to deploy a game across multiple platforms (PC, mobiles, VR devices) with minimal effort which would be impossible if we use the mainstream game engines. Plus, Roblox has a good line-up of new features in their roadmap. Roblox is not exactly a decentralized game that runs on the blockchain, is NFT still relevant in this case? We think it does not make sense to implement a fully decentralized game just for the sake of being on the blockchain. Our research and experience show that today, most P2E games cause players/investors to lose excessive money through gas fees on in-game interactions. In addition, the speed of blockchain today is just not fast enough for a smooth overall experience.

Our solution to that, is setting up a hybrid game environment where we only use the blockchain to store NFT and some important data, while in-game interactions are processed by our server to cut down on unnecessary gas fee wastages and improve playability. In our case, a Metatun NFT serves as a “proof of interest” that provides Metatun Game access to a corresponding player via the blockchain API and Roblox server.

True Asset Ownership

We are committed to ensuring the permanence of every NFT created. Every Metatun NFT will be permanently stored in the IPFS decentralized file storage network. In addition to making the NFTs more secure, the persistent storage will also allow content creators and other game developers to access and load Metatun NFTs into their games or applications.

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